Commander Report – July 20th

 In Commander Report

Written by Alex

First day in Sim, first EVA.

Paul and Anushree went by foot into the crater. Investigating the water flows on the slope of the crater. Paul did some soil measurements (pH and EC) upstream of his probes, while Anushree took samples. I was carrying the gun and taking pictures of them.

As of now, we do not have a short term plan for EVAs. We work 100% on making the Hab habitable, and then suddenly we are in Sim doing EVAs. At some point we will need to sit a think about what we should do. That will be passed to the crew this evening on the debrief.

Aside of that, the morale is good. I feel the crew a bit tired, but less and less as the days pass.We are done settling, we are now exploring!