FMARS-15 Commander Report 30-07-2023

 In Commander Report

Author: Andrew Wheeler, Commander, FMARS-15

Weather: Low nimbostratus cloud early, no precipitation. Cleared later to altostratus and sparse
lenticular clouds with sunny patches. Wind cold, strong easing moderately into the afternoon.
Temperature low teens Celsius.
In the Hab, temperatures ten degrees Celsius warmer than outside, volatiles and monitored gases to
decimal point levels rather than off the scale, CO 2 levels at half of what they were earlier in the
week, humidity at 75% (compared to the previous missions at 90% – 95%). With the Hab completely
closed up now after a couple of days of forced circulation, internal moisture on portholes is minimal
to non-existent.
Two short EVA scheduled and approved for today were postponed. With departure imminent, it was
determined that there would be insufficient time for incineration of rubbish and removal of ash,
cleaning and packing of the Hab, documenting and packing of shelf-stable foods, disposal of
perishables, removal of obsolete equipment and non-burnable rubbish, properly storing the fuel
drums, cleaning, parking up and covering ATVS and stowing the windmill. Then there will be
packing of personal gear. This activity progressed steadily during the day until mid-afternoon. We
were advised that a flight off of Devon Island for some of us would now be Monday the 7th . This
was unacceptable and that we would all have to leave immediately on the flight arriving at 6:30pm.
Having spent just two hours packing, stowing everything, including all the identified items to be
removed, into the Hab and covering the ATVs, we closed up the Hab and departed for Resolute Bay
and arrived there at 9:15pm. Thus ended FMARS15 at Haughton Crater on Devon Island.