FMARS-15 EVA6 Report 29-07-2023
EVA # 6
Author: Olivia Drayson
Purpose of EVA: Collect water samples and algae sample.
Start time: 18:05
End time: 19:50
Narrative: The EVA included Olivia and Terry with Andrew as bear guard. This EVA was a revisit to an algal mat found during EVA4. An ATV trail to the lake was taken and then just beyond the chain of 3 lakes was the algal mat. Water samples were taken for analysis as well as a small algal sample. Then water from the creek was sampled with glass tubes for microplastic analysis and some snow melt was also sampled on the return journey.
Destination: Algal mat and creek
Coordinates: 75º 26′ 22.2”N -89º 45′ 28.4”E
Participants: Olivia Drayson (EVA1), Terry Trevino (EVA2), Andrew Wheeler (Bear Guard)
Road(s) and routes: Preexisting ATV tracks to lake and tracks made during EVA4
Mode of travel: 3 ATVs, 2 450s (named Valkyrie and Pegasus) and 1 300 (named Sphinx)