Commander Report – July 23rd

 In Commander Report

Written by Alexandre Mangeot

Today was a very productive day despite the weather.
This morning we were hesitating between doing the chores in the morning and the EVA in the afternoon or the opposite.
Since we are short in time, I give the priority to the EVA and the science. So the trick is to assess or guess when the weather will be the best (morning or afternoon) to schedule the EVA at that time.
Today we though the weather will be better during the afternoon, we were wrong.
Around 1PM, the time to start the EVA it rained. In order to achieve our scientific goal I authorised an out of sim EVA (unsuited). In the end, it did not rain after we got out…
So a couple of bad decisions, but the weather over here is very unpredictable, and we do not have accurate forecast. So I am doing blind guess. I just have to take the safest way to do activies. A suited EVA under rain is a safety hazard due to reduced visibility.