FMARS-15 EVA2 Report 25-07-2023

 In EVA Report

EVA #2 

Author: Olivia Drayson

Purpose of EVA: Biological sample collection from Haughton River system

Start time: 17:20

End time: 19:50

Narrative: The crew attempted to reach the point where the local creek meets the Haughton River, using the creek as a reference point and route. The route was very rocky and at times the banks were very steep, making it a challenge in the 4WD 450 Arctic Cats and at times, almost impossible in the 2WD 300. The ATVs barely overcame 1mph and so it was decided not to venture the full distance to the river and to sample the creek instead. Despite the earlier turnaround, a good quantity of samples were collected including clear water, snow, biofilm with some mud, moss, and different species of algae. These samples will be analyzed in the hab lab tomorrow. 

Destination: Aimed to reach the Haughton River at coordinates of 75°27’20.1″N 89°43’14.9″W. Furthest point from habitat was 75°26’37.5″N 89°46’4.7″W.

Coordinates: 75°26’37.5″N 89°46’4.7″W

Participants: Olivia Drayson (EVA1), Terry Trevino (EVA2), Andy Greco (Bear Guard)

Road(s) and routes: Took the ATV trail from the hab to the creek and then attempted to follow along the bank of the creek, however terrain was very rocky and there was no other ATV trail to the river to our knowledge.

Mode of travel: 3 ATVs, 2 450s (named Valkyrie and Pegasus) and 1 300 (named Sphinx)