• FMARS-15 XO Report 26-07-2023

    Sol: 3Summary Title: Red Planet ExplorationsAuthor’s Name: D. Terry TrevinoMission Status: All Nominal Sol Activity Summary: Crew 15 embarked on another productive day on Mars today. We startedthe morning with a hearty breakfast of cereal and pancakes before commencing preparations fortoday’s Extravehicular Activity (EVA). Crew members gathered their gear and checked theirspace suits thoroughly to…

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  • FMARS-15 Engineering Report 26-07-2023

    By Caleb Pool Both engineers remained in the hab today while the other 3 crew members were on EVA. The gasoline generator, Rachel, was filled with a 50/50 mix of old and new fuel and operated correctly to run the incinerator. We will keep an eye on both generators as time goes on, since old…

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  • FMARS-15 Science Report 26-07-2023

    Submitted by Science Officer Olivia Drayson

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  • FMARS-15 Commander Report 26-07-2023

    Author: Andrew Wheeler, Commander, FMARS-15 Sol: 3 Weather: Clear skies, sunny. Wind cold, strong to moderate easing into the afternoon. Temperature single digits to low teens Celsius. Repairs to the EVA suits continue. There are now four clean and repaired suits available for work outside the hab along with three operational helmet and backpack combinations.…

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  • FMARS-15 EVA3 Report 26-07-2023

    EVA #3  Author: Andrew Wheeler Purpose of EVA: Locate patterned ground in Haughton Impact Crater. Start time: 11:40 End time: 14:40 Narrative: EVA 3 included Andrew and Caleb with Andy as bear guard. This EVA was a follow up of the previous days attempt to reach the patterned ground so as to relocate previously visited…

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  • FMARS-15 EVA2 Report 25-07-2023

    EVA #2  Author: Olivia Drayson Purpose of EVA: Biological sample collection from Haughton River system Start time: 17:20 End time: 19:50 Narrative: The crew attempted to reach the point where the local creek meets the Haughton River, using the creek as a reference point and route. The route was very rocky and at times the…

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  • FMARS-15 EVA1 Report 25-07-2023

    EVA #1 Author: Olivia Drayson Purpose of EVA: Locate patterned ground in Haughton Impact Crater. Start time: 12:00 End time: 14:30 Narrative: EVA 1 included Andrew and Andy while Caleb was on bear guard. The EVA was a reconnaissance to attempt to reach the patterned ground to relocate previously visited sites and collect biological samples…

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  • FMARS-15 Engineering report 25-07-2023

    By Caleb Pool The day began with a 2 crew EVA of Andrew and Andy donning suit simulators with Caleb as bear watch. It was found that the EVA suits and backpacks were in mediocre shape and required some modification which delayed the departure of the EVA to near noon. The strap buckles and adjusters…

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  • FMARS-15 Crew Journalist Report 25-07-2023

    Crew Journalist Report – Sol 2: A Day of Mars Planetary Science By D. Terry Trevino Devon Island, Arctic – As the sun gently rose over the barren landscape of Devon Island, Crew 15 immersed themselves in a day of rigorous Martian planetary science. Today’s activities were meticulously planned, with the crew working diligently to…

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  • FMARS-15 Crew Journalist Report 24-07-2023

    Crew Journalist Report – Sol 1: Preparing the Hab By D. Terry Trevino Devon Island, Arctic – It’s Sol one on Devon Island, and Crew 15 is embracing the challenges and excitement of rehabilitating the research station owned and operated by The Mars Society. The commanding officer, Andrew Wheeler, reminded us this morning that we…

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