• FMARS-15 XO Report 29-07-2023

    Sol: 6 Summary Title: Winterizing, Organizing, and Habitating Author’s Name: D. Terry Trevino Mission Status: All Nominal Sol Activity Summary: Today’s activities were sporadic, but we kicked into gear, and activities picked up here on Devon Island, where we are settled and working away. Towards mid-day, the winds whipped up and are heavy, and the…

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  • FMARS-15 Engineering Report 28-07-2023

    Sol: 5 By Caleb Pool The windsock was temporarily installed at the north end of the FMARS airstrip. It functioned exactly as planned. Items continue to be incinerated today. At least 6 barrel loads were incinerated with at least 3 more planned for tomorrow. The generators continue to run on an at least 50/50 mix…

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  • FMARS-15 Science Report 28-07-2023

    Submitted by Science Officer Olivia Drayson

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  • FMARS-15 Crew Journalist Report 28-07-2023

    Journalist Report – Sol 5: Mars Exploration with a Dash of Humor! By Terry Trevino Greetings Earthlings! It’s your favorite interplanetary journalist, reporting from Crew 15’s adventures on the Simulated Red Planet! Things got a bit quirky today on Sol 5, but that’s just how we roll on Mars! The day started with the crew…

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  • FMARS-15 Commander Report 28-07-2023

    Author: Andrew Wheeler, Commander, FMARS-15 Weather: Clear skies, sunny. Wind cool, slight to variable in the morning building to gentle to moderate and dropping in temperature in the afternoon. Temperature low to mid teens Celsius.  Following a successful internet meeting with the years 4.5 and 6 pupils from Kurwongbah State School in Queensland, Australia (local…

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  • FMARS-15 EVA Report 28-07-2023

    Author: Andrew Wheeler  Purpose of EVA: Unscheduled EVA for testing.  Start time: 17:10  End time: 17:40 Narrative: EVA 5 included Andrew and Terry with Olivia as bear guard. This EVA was an unscheduled traverse to gauge the effectiveness of an external improvised sun shield to aid ventilation in the helmet and better visibility against a…

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  • FMARS-15 Sol Summary Report 28-07-2023

    Mission Status: All NominalSol Activity Summary: Today was meant to be our first day off, although it was partially busy.We had no planned EVAs, allowing the crew to focus on personal tasks. However, we didretrieve water from the local stream, collecting approximately 180 liters, and dedicated time toclean the kitchen and upper hab.The engineering team…

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  • FMARS-15 EVA4 Report 27-07-2023

    EVA #4Author: Olivia DraysonPurpose of EVA: Biological sample collection from Haughton River systemStart time: 12:40End time: 4:40 Narrative: The crew took a different route to EVA2 in an attempt to reach the Haughton River.The ATV trail leading to the lake was taken first and samples from two of the three lakes wascollected. Then the crew…

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  • FMARS-15 XO Report 27-07-2023

    Sol: 4Summary Title: Advancing Research and Preparing for Future EVAsAuthor’s Name: D. Terry TrevinoMission Status: All Nominal Sol Activity Summary: Today’s activities started with a simple breakfast as we anticipated amid-morning EVA. However, we encountered air quality issues overnight, prompting the crew totake immediate action. We performed system checks and increased airflow to mitigate theproblem.…

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  • FMARS-15 Crew Journalist Report 27-07-2023

    Crew Journalist Report -Sol 4: Advancing Research and Preparing for Future EVAs By D. Terry Trevino Devon Island, Arctic – As the fourth sol of our Mars simulation on Devon Island comes to a close, Crew 15 continues to make impressive strides in our scientific endeavors and preparations for upcoming Extravehicular Activities (EVAs). Our mission’s…

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