• Flashline-16 Daily Report 29-06-2024

    Author: Michael Andrews – Crew Logistics The MARS-16 started Saturday morning with the following objectives: We enjoyed (what we believed was) our last hot shower and breakfast without preparation for some time, and quickly jumped into a morning agenda of crew training and mission planning. Health and Safety Officer Swarmer went over the basics of emergency…

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  • Flashline-16 Daily Report 28-06-2024

    Author: Michael Andrews – Crew Logistics The team awoke in Iqaluit, with today’s main priorities below: We awoke later than expected, as our flight had been delayed – we later learned that the original flight crew got stuck in another city on Canadian North’s routes, and a backup crew had to be located. I realized this…

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  • FMARS-15 Commander Report 30-07-2023

    Author: Andrew Wheeler, Commander, FMARS-15 Weather: Low nimbostratus cloud early, no precipitation. Cleared later to altostratus and sparselenticular clouds with sunny patches. Wind cold, strong easing moderately into the afternoon.Temperature low teens Celsius.In the Hab, temperatures ten degrees Celsius warmer than outside, volatiles and monitored gases todecimal point levels rather than off the scale, CO…

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  • FMARS-15 EVA6 Report 29-07-2023

    EVA # 6 Author: Olivia Drayson Purpose of EVA: Collect water samples and algae sample. Start time: 18:05 End time: 19:50 Narrative: The EVA included Olivia and Terry with Andrew as bear guard. This EVA was a revisit to an algal mat found during EVA4. An ATV trail to the lake was taken and then…

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  • FMARS-15 EVA5 Report 29-07-2023

    EVA # 5 Author: Andrew Wheeler Purpose of EVA: Collect samples from the rock outcrop. Start time: 13:45 End time: 15:45 Narrative: The EVA included Andrew and Andy with Caleb as bear guard. This EVA was a revisit to a site first identified in 2017. Using existing tracks, the traverse was direct to an overlook…

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  • FMARS-15 Crew Journalist Report 29-07-2023

    Mars Society’s Mission Report – Sol 6: Martian Marvels and Winterizing Wonders By D. Terry Trevino Devon Island, Arctic – Greetings from our Martian outpost on the vast and unforgiving Devon Island! Sol 6 marked another eventful day for Crew 15 as we delved deeper into our mission, leaving no Martian stone unturned. The winds…

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  • FMARS-15 XO Report 29-07-2023

    Sol: 6 Summary Title: Winterizing, Organizing, and Habitating Author’s Name: D. Terry Trevino Mission Status: All Nominal Sol Activity Summary: Today’s activities were sporadic, but we kicked into gear, and activities picked up here on Devon Island, where we are settled and working away. Towards mid-day, the winds whipped up and are heavy, and the…

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  • FMARS-15 Engineering Report 28-07-2023

    Sol: 5 By Caleb Pool The windsock was temporarily installed at the north end of the FMARS airstrip. It functioned exactly as planned. Items continue to be incinerated today. At least 6 barrel loads were incinerated with at least 3 more planned for tomorrow. The generators continue to run on an at least 50/50 mix…

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  • FMARS-15 Science Report 28-07-2023

    Submitted by Science Officer Olivia Drayson

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  • FMARS-15 Crew Journalist Report 28-07-2023

    Journalist Report – Sol 5: Mars Exploration with a Dash of Humor! By Terry Trevino Greetings Earthlings! It’s your favorite interplanetary journalist, reporting from Crew 15’s adventures on the Simulated Red Planet! Things got a bit quirky today on Sol 5, but that’s just how we roll on Mars! The day started with the crew…

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